It is one of the great privileges of my work to be able to hand craft wedding bands for my clients. I learned a phrase from my husband -- to kvell, and it is totally what I feel when seeing the the custom wedding bands I made so wonderfully photographed on the day of the nuptials. And I beam with pride when I see these symbols of enduring commitment exchanged between lovers to wear for their lives. I have posted a process video of how I made the wedding bands for my own wedding, to give you a glimpse of how it's done, as well as some pictures of some of the wedding bands I have made for couples.
Okay this one I did not make. This is my Aunt's wedding band made 40 years ago. The way time has loved on and smoothed the details of the carving echoes the bond the couple committed to decades ago. I know the artist would be so proud to know it's still lovingly worn by it's owner.